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Red Flags Sent Up By Spun Articles
By: Penny, EzineArticles Managing Editor

A while ago, I wrote a post on standing up against spun content, or what I then called “chopped-up word salad” (others went further to call it “article vomit”).

No matter what name you have for it, spun content is an ugly practice.

Spinning software tries to imitate the hard work and dedication involved in writing Nike Shox OZ  100% fresh, original content by taking completed articles and replacing select words in those articles with synonyms. This lazy practice creates articles that aren’t unique and oftentimes just plain don’t make sense. Submitting spun content or promoting the act of spinning articles will result in an account suspension.

There are a few telltale signs we see that indicate to us that an article has been spun. Here’s an inside look at some of those signs:

    Synonyms – Words replaced with synonyms sound silly and don’t make sense (e.g. Elizabeth Wise, Elizabeth Sensible = Elizabeth Smart). Sometimes, the author has neglected to make Cheap Nike the spun word selection (e.g. “might cause the following: unsafe decline | slide | decrease | fall in your blood pressure”). This is a huge flag.
    Inconsistent Numbers – “66% of individuals with cellphones use them everyday. eighty three% of cellphone owners use daily …” Data from surveys have very specific meaning and generic word replacement ruins that meaning.
    Word Replacement – Exchange of the word “an” for “a” – as in “an apple” becomes “a apple.” This is a flag if the article – an – hasn’t been changed.
    Random Capitalization – Common in Keywords, If authors Randomly  Nike Shox R3  Capitalize words In Their Sentences excessively, there are likely to be more grammar issues throughout.
    Improperly Used Periods To Break Up Sentence Structure – “The.concentrate of our own awakening fills us with such gratitude for period, that each of us couldn’t envisage extant without model.”
    Inconsistent List Pattern –
    1. List Item A.
    2. List Item B.
    three. List Item C.
    4. List Item D.
    Excessive Alliteration – When words in a row all start with the same letter. “Our absolutely accomplished blow helpline agents will buzz you and aggregate the advice they charge to accomplish an blow claim.” A little bit of alliteration in the right spot can improve the flow of an article, but too much can make it look like the article was spun and never read aloud.
    Summary vs. Content in the Article Body – Sometimes, the spinning program only changes the article body and leaves the summary unchanged, so the summary matches the original. Compare the summary to the first paragraph, as well as content within the article body and look for any of the patterns Nike Shox R2 mentioned above.

These are just some of the things we see that make us suspect an article has been spun. We are constantly updating our software and educating our editors in an effort to stop any of these spun articles from being published.

NOTE: Spun content isn’t the same as repurposed content from your website or Nike Shox NZ  blog. You are allowed to submit content from your website to EzineArticles as long as you have exclusive rights to use that content. Spun articles are rehashed and present no new information and are not to be confused with repurposed content.

Posted by Penny, Managing Editor on August 10, 2011 at 8:19 am | 1,994 views

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